Film and him: female filmmakers show the winners2022
Best Picture
Winner: "Song of the break of dawn"
Directed by Emily English surname
Introduce:" the song of Breaking Dawn" through exquisite emotion description and unique narrative technique, narrated the tenacity and strength of the female in the social change, reflected the multiple status and complex emotion of contemporary female deeply.
Best Director
Winner: Sophia Drago
Silent Resistance
Sofia Dragor has won critical acclaim for her unique directorial style and keen insight in showing the struggle and growth of women in oppression and predicament through the silent resistance.
Best Actress
Winner: Emma Watson
The road to freedom
Introduction: Emma Watson in the "Road to freedom" by virtue of outstanding acting skills and profound characterization, the successful interpretation of the inner struggle and growth of the role, won the audience and the jury alike.
Best Screenplay
Winner: Lucy Ramiro Arias
Her choice
Introduce: Lucy Ramiro Arias's "Her choice" with exquisite and rich tension brush stroke, discussed the female when facing the life choice perplexity and the struggle, shows the deep foundation of the screenwriter and a keen insight into women's issues.
Academy Award for Best Cinematography
Award-winning work: "Light and shadow"
Photographer: Amelia Cristian Rodríguez
Introduce:" light and shadow interweave" with its unique vision style and exquisite photography skill, capture the female character's inner world and emotion change successfully, added unique artistic charm for the film.
Best Documentary
Winner: her power
Directed by Anna Bernardot
Introduce:" her strength" through in-depth interview and true record, demonstrated the outstanding contribution and extraordinary achievement of the female of all over the world in each domain, passed the spirit of female strength and tenacity.
Best Short Film
Winner: "Song of the nightingale"
Directed by Lily Chan
Introduce:" song of Nightingale" with short concise story plot and profound theme connotation, demonstrated the tenacity and brave of female when facing predicament, won the affection of jury and audience.